Surface Engineering and Coatings 5
4th/5th Year Cource in Mechanical Engineering
Solid materials interact with their environment through their surface phase. Surface engineering involves the methods and techniques used to alter, characterise and test the properties of material surfaces. Coatings play a major role as they provide the means to develop robust surfaces with special properties in order to not only protect materials from environmental and operational degradation but also to develop new functionalities. Applications include: advanced tribological coatings combining low friction and wear, adhesive coatings for structural engineering, self-cleaning surfaces, antibiofouling coatings.
The course covers the following topics:
Surface structure and roughness
Fabrication of coatings
Thin polymer films
Surface metrology and characterisation
Contact mechanics
Adhesion and wetting
Friction and wear
MEng/BEng Projects
Final year projects
Final year projects for MEng and BEng Mechanical Engineering students
Industrial Placements
Industrial Project Supervision
Industrial project supervision for 4th Year MEng Mechanical Engineering students