Selected Recent Publications
September, 2024
Investigating the impact of water capillary forces on polymer-substrate adhesion using force spectroscopy
J. McClements, V. Koutsos. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2024, e56181
August, 2023
Polyaniline/polyvinylpyrrolidone nanofibers via nozzle‐free electrospinning
M. Waqas, F. J. Diaz Sanchez, V. C. Menzel, I. Tudela, N. Radacsi, D. Ray, V. Koutsos. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2023, e54586
July, 2024
Fabrication of a compliant vascular graft using extrusion printing and electrospinning technique
F. Fazal, F. P. W. Melchels, A. McCormack, A. F. Silva, E. -L. Handley, N. A. Mazlan, A. Callanan, V. Koutsos, N. Radacsi. Advanced Materials Technologies 2024, 2400224
October, 2023
Thermomechanical Properties of Virgin and Recycled Polypropylene—High-Density Polyethylene Blends.
H. Jones, J. McClements, D. Ray, C. S. Hindle, M. Kalloudis, V. Koutsos. Polymers 2023, 15 (21), 4200

Chapters in Books
V. Koutsos. Chapter 27: Polymers: Types, Properties and Applications. In Construction Materials: Their Nature and Behaviour edited by M. Soutsos, & P. Domone, 5th ed. CRC press: Boca Raton, pp. 321-333, 2017
V. Koutsos, J. Walker and E. Glynos. Chapter 10: Self-Assembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles on Surfaces: Towards Surface Nanopatterning. In Nanostructured Materials and Their Applications edited by S. Logothetidis, NanoScience and Technology Series, Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 191 - 211, 2012
V. Koutsos. Chapter 9: Atomic force microscopy and polymers on surfaces. In Atomic Force Microscopy in Process Engineering: An introduction to AFM for improved processes and products edited by W. Richard Bowen and Nidal Hilal, Elsevier Science & Technology Books: Oxford, pp. 225 - 244, 2009
V. Koutsos. Chapter 46: Polymeric materials: an introduction. In ICE Manual of Construction Materials edited by Mike Forde, Thomas Telford Publishing: London, pp. 571 -577, 2009
V. Koutsos. Chapter 48: Engineering properties of polymers. In ICE Manual of Construction Materials edited by Mike Forde, Thomas Telford Publishing: London, pp. 585 - 591, 2009
V. Koutsos, R. J. Cole, M. Zaiser, J. R. Blackford, K. Kratiras, D.R. Roseburgh, F. Madani-Grasset. Chapter 3: Investigation of materials and their surfaces using reflective anisotropy spectroscopy. In Focus on Surface Science Research edited by Charles P. Norris, Nova Science Publishers: New York, pp. 99 - 123, 2006

Journal Publications
A. U. Rehman, V. Koutsos, P. Alam. The Stab Resistance of Bombyx Mori Silk Cocoons. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 2025, 2400418
J. A. Qayyum, A. Li, J. Wu, Y. Lyu, V. Koutsos, H. Zhang, N. Radacsi, D. Yang. On the printability and inter-layer adhesion in 3D printing of continuous carbon fibre reinforced PEEK composite using tape and filament. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2025, 190, 108654
Y. Lyu, A. Li, J. Wu, V. Koutsos, C. Wang, C. M. Ó Brádaigh, D. Yang. Enhanced mechanical performance of 3D printed continuous carbon fibre reinforced polyphenylene sulphide composites through dopamine treatment and post-processing compression. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2025, 190, 108627
H. Jones, J. McClements, D. Ray, M. Kalloudis, V. Koutsos. High-Density Polyethylene–Polypropylene Blends: Examining the Relationship Between Nano/Microscale Phase Separation and Thermomechanical Properties
Polymers 2025, 17 (2), 166 -
J. McClements, V. Koutsos. Investigating the impact of water capillary forces on polymer-substrate adhesion using force spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2024, 141 (44), e56181
F. Fazal, F. P. W. Melchels, A. McCormack, A. F. Silva, E. -L. Handley, N. A. Mazlan, A. Callanan, V. Koutsos, N. Radacsi. Fabrication of a compliant vascular graft using extrusion printing and electrospinning technique. Advanced Materials Technologies 2024, 9 (23), 2400224
A. U. Rehman, V. Koutsos, P. Alam. Mode III Tear Resistance of Bombyx mori Silk Cocoons. ACS Materials Au 2024, 4 (4), 403–412
T. Easton, K Maksymiuk, L. Charlton, V. Koutsos, E. Chatzisymeon. Transformation of polyester fibre microplastics by sulfate based advanced oxidation processes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2024, 112988
Y. Lyu, V. Koutsos, C. M. Ó Brádaigh, D Yang. Improving the interfacial adhesion between recycled carbon fibres and polyphenylene sulphide by bio-inspired dopamine for advanced composites manufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production 2024, 449, 141855
J. M. Maguire, V. Koutsos, D. Ray. Vacuum-infused thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates–Advances in bonding and recycling. Materials Today Communications 2023, 37, 106961
H. Jones, J. McClements, D. Ray, C. S. Hindle, M. Kalloudis, V. Koutsos. Thermomechanical Properties of Virgin and Recycled Polypropylene—High-Density Polyethylene Blends. Polymers 2023, 15 (21), 4200
A. B. Matheson, V. Koutsos, S. R Euston, P. S. Clegg. Atomic Force Microscopy of Phytosterol Based Edible Oleogels. Gels 2023, 9 (9), 750
M. Waqas, F. J. Diaz Sanchez, V. C. Menzel, I. Tudela, N. Radacsi, D. Ray, V. Koutsos. Polyaniline/polyvinylpyrrolidone nanofibers via nozzle‐free electrospinning. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2023, 140 (43), e54586
J. Walker, V. Koutsos. Spin Coating of Silica Nanocolloids on Mica: Self-Assembly of Two-Dimensional Colloid Crystal Structures and Thin Films. Coatings 2023, 13 (9), 1488
J. Walker, A. B. Schofield, V. Koutsos. Nanostructures and Thin Films of Poly (Ethylene Glycol)-Based Surfactants and Polystyrene Nanocolloid Particles on Mica: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study. Coatings 2023, 13 (7), 1187
T. Easton, V. Koutsos, E. Chatzisymeon. Removal of polyester fibre microplastics from wastewater using a UV/H2O2 oxidation process. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2023, 11 (1), 109057
F. Fazal, F. P.W. Melchels, A. McCormack, A. F Silva, A. Callanan, V. Koutsos, N. Radacsi. A vertical additive-lathe printing system for the fabrication of tubular constructs using gelatin methacryloyl hydrogel. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 2023, 139, 105665
S. Kolahgar-Azari, A. Kagkoura, D. Mamalis, J. R. Blackford, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos. Semicrystalline Polymer Micro/Nanostructures Formed by Droplet Evaporation of Aqueous Poly (ethylene oxide) Solutions: Effect of Solution Concentration. Langmuir 2022, 38 (49), 15063–15076
E. Glynos, A. Chremos, P. J. Camp. V. Koutsos. Surface Nanopatterning Using the Self Assembly of Linear Polymers on Surfaces after Solvent Evaporation. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology 2022, 5, 297–30916.
M. Waqas, C. Robert, U. Arif, N. Radacsi, D. Ray, V. Koutsos. Improving the through-thickness electrical conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites using interleaving conducting veils. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2022, 139 (43), e53060
A. B. Matheson, G. Dalkas, G. O. Lloyd, A. Hart, A. Bot, R. den Adel, V. Koutsos, P. S. Clegg, S. R. Euston. Exploring how changes to the steroidal core alter oleogelation capability in sterol: γ‐oryzanol blends. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 2022, 99 (11), 943–950.
F. J. Diaz Sanchez, M. Chung, M. Waqas, V. Koutsos, S. Smith, N. Radacsi. Sponge-like piezoelectric micro-and nanofiber structures for mechanical energy harvesting. Nano Energy 2022, 98, 107286
N. Pliatsikas, N. Kalfagiannis, J. Arvanitidis, D. Christofilos, D. C. Koutsogeorgis, A. Kagkoura, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos, P. Patsalas. Edge-engineered self-assembled hierarchical plasmonic SERS templates. Applied Surface Science Advances 2021, 6, 100186
M. Chung, W. H. Skinner, C. Robert, C. J. Campbell, R. M. Rossi, V. Koutsos, N. Radacsi. Fabrication of a Wearable Flexible Sweat pH Sensor Based on SERS-Active Au/TPU Electrospun Nanofibers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (43), 51504–51518
X. Bai, X. Yong, V. Koutsos, L. Deng, K. Li, Y. Zhou, Y. Luo. Dispersive and filter loss performance of calcium carbonate nanoparticles in water for drilling fluid applications. Nanotechnology 2021, 32 (48), 485704
H. Jones, F. Saffar, V. Koutsos, D. Ray. Polyolefins and Polyethylene Terephthalate Package Wastes: Recycling and Use in Composites. Energies 2021, 14 (21), 7306
S. Palola, F. Javanshour, S. Kolahgar Azari, V. Koutsos, E. Sarlin. One Surface Treatment, Multiple Possibilities: Broadening the Use-Potential of Para-Aramid Fibers with Mechanical Adhesion. Polymers 2021,13 (18), 3114
K. Jeronimo, V. Koutsos, R. Cheung, E. Mastropaolo. PDMS-ZnO Piezoelectric Nanocomposites for Pressure Sensors. Sensors 2021, 21 (17), 5873
F. Fazal, F. J. D. Sanchez, M. Waqas, V. Koutsos, A. Callanan, N. Radacsi. A modified 3D printer as a hybrid bioprinting-electrospinning system for use in vascular tissue engineering applications. Medical Engineering & Physics 2021, 94, 52-60
F. Fazal, S. Raghav, A. Callanan, V. Koutsos, N. Radacsi. Recent advancements in the bioprinting of vascular grafts. Biofabrication 2021, 13 (3), 032003
M. Waqas, A. Keirouz, M. K. S. Putri, F. Fazal, F. J. D. Sanchez, D. Ray, V. Koutsos, N. Radacsi. Design and development of a nozzle-free electrospinning device for the high-throughput production of biomaterial nanofibers. Medical Engineering & Physics 2021, 92, 80-87
C. Robert, D. Mamalis, W. Obande, V. Koutsos, C. M. Ó Brádaigh, D. Ray. Interlayer bonding between thermoplastic composites and metals by in-situ polymerization technique. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 138 (40), 51188
L. É. Uhljar, S. Y. Kan, N. Radacsi, V. Koutsos, P. Szabó-Révész, R. Ambrus. In Vitro Drug Release, Permeability, and Structural Test of Ciprofloxacin-Loaded Nanofibers. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13(4), 556
C Robert, W. B. Thitasiri, D Mamalis, Z. E. Hussein, M. Waqas, D. Ray, N. Radacsi, V. Koutsos. Improving through‐thickness conductivity of carbon fiber reinforced polymer using carbon nanotube/polyethylenimine at the interlaminar region. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2021, 138 (5), 49749
S. Daly, A. Allen, V. Koutsos, A. C. Semiao. Influence of Organic Fouling Layer Characteristics and Osmotic Backwashing Conditions on Cleaning Efficiency of RO Membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 616, 118604
H. Law, V. Koutsos. Leading edge erosion of wind turbines: Effect of solid airborne particles and rain on operational wind farms. Wind Energy 2020, 10.1002/we.2540, 1-11
A. Keirouz, M. Zakharova, J. Kwon, C. Robert, V. Koutsos, A. Callanan, X. Chen, G. Fortunato, N. Radacsi. High-throughput production of silk fibroin-based electrospun fibers as biomaterial for skin tissue engineering applications. Materials Science & Engineering C 2020, 112, 110939, 1-11
S. C. Brown, C. Robert, V. Koutsos, D. Ray. Methods of Modifying Through-thickness Electrical Conductivity of CFRP for use in Structural Health Monitoring, and its Effect on Mechanical Properties-A Review. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2020, 133, 105885, 1-21
J. Huang, V. Koutsos, N. Radacsi. Low-cost FDM 3D-printed modular electrospray/electrospinning setup for biomedical applications. 3D Printing in Medicine 2020 6 (1), 1-7
J. McClements, M. Zhang, N. Radacsi, V. Koutsos. Measuring the Interactions between Carbon Black Nanoparticles and Latex Thin Films in Aqueous Media using AFM Force Spectroscopy. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2020 603, 124920, 1-10
J. McClements, V. Koutsos. Thin Polymer Film Force Spectroscopy: Single Chain Pull-out and Desorption. ACS Macro Letters 2020 9 (2), 152-157
Y. Chen, A. Askounis, V. Koutsos, P. Valluri, Y. Takata, S. K. Wilson, K. Sefiane. On the effect of substrate viscoelasticity on the evaporation kinetics and deposition patterns of nanosuspension drops. Langmuir 2020 36 (1), 204-213
D Mamalis, J. J. Murray, J. McClements, D. Tsikritsis, V. Koutsos, E. D. McCarthy, C. M. O Bradaigh. Novel carbon-fibre powder-epoxy composites: Interface phenomena and interlaminar fracture behaviour. Composites Part B: Engineering 2019 174, 107012, 1-13
A. S. Shafi, J. McClements, I. Albaijan, R. H. Abou-Saleh, C. Moran, V. Koutsos. Probing phospholipid-microbubbles by atomic force microscopy to quantify bubble mechanics and nanostructural shell properties. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2019, 181, 506-515
E. Lasseuguette, S. Burns, D. Simmons, E. Francis, H. K. Chai, V. Koutsos, Y. Huang. Chemical, microstructural and mechanical properties of ceramic waste blended cementitious systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 2019, 211, 1228-1238
D. Mamalis, W. Obande, V. Koutsos, J. R. Blackford, C. M. Ó Brádaigh, D Ray. Novel thermoplastic fibre-metal laminates manufactured by vacuum resin infusion: The effect of surface treatments on interfacial bonding. Materials & Design 2019, 162, 331-344
L. S. Fomenko, S. V. Lubenets, V. D. Natsik, A. I. Prokhvatilov, N. N. Galtsov, Q. Q. Li, V. Koutsos. Investigation of the low-temperature mechanical behavior of elastomers and their carbon nanotube composites using microindentation. Low Temperature Physics 2019, 45 (5), 568-576.
X. Bai, X. Zhang, V. Koutsos, Z. Fu, T. Ning, Y. Luo, S. Zhou. Preparation and evaluation of amine terminated polyether shale inhibitor for water-based drilling fluid. SN Applied Sciences 2019, 1 (1), 94, 9 p.
J. McClements, M. Shaver, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos. Morphology of Poly(styrene-co-butadiene) Random Copolymer Thin Films and Nanostructures on a Graphite Surface. Langmuir 2018, 34 (26), 7784-7796
G. Dalkas, A. Matheson, H. Vass, A, Gromov, G. Lloyd, V. Koutsos, P. Clegg, P. & S. Euston. Molecular Interactions behind the Self-Assembly and Microstructure of Mixed Sterol Organogels. Langmuir 2018, 34, 8629-8638
T. Vissers, A. Brown, N. Koumakis, A. Dawson, M. Hermes, J. Schwarz-Linek, A. Schofield, J. French, V. Koutsos, J. Arlt, V. Martinez, W. Poon. Bacteria as living patchy colloids: Phenotypic heterogeneity in surface adhesion. Science Advances 2018, 4 (4), eaao1170
E. Lasseuguette, J. McClements, V. Koutsos, T. Schäfer, M.-C. Ferrari. Ionic liquid mediated surface micropatterning of polymer blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2018, 135 (14), 46109
A. E. A. S. Evangelopoulos, A. Rissanou, E. Glynos, I. Bitsanis, S. Anastasiadis, V. Koutsos. Wetting Behavior of Polymer Droplets: Effects of Droplet Size and Chain Length. Macromolecules 2018, 51 (8), 2805–2816
D. Mamalis, V. Koutsos, K. Sefiane. Nonisothermal Spreading Dynamics of Self-Rewetting Droplets. Langmuir 2018, 34 (5), 1916–1931
M. Chung, N. Radacsi, C. Robert, E. D. Mccarthy, A. Callanan, N. Conlisk, P. Hoskins, V. Koutsos. On the optimization of low-cost FDM 3D printers for accurate replication of patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysm geometry. 3D Printing in Medicine 2018, 4 (2), 10 p.
D. Mamalis, V. Koutsos, K. Sefiane. Bubble Rise in a Non-Isothermal Self-Rewetting Fluid and the Role of Thermocapillarity. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2017. 117, 146–162
A. Askounis, Y. Kita, M. Kohno, V. Koutsos, K. Sefiane. Influence of local heating on Marangoni flows and evaporation kinetics of pure water drops. Langmuir 2017. 33 (23), 5666–5674
A. Matheson, V. Koutsos, G. Dalkas, S. Euston, P. Clegg. Microstructure of β-Sitosterol:γ-Oryzanol Edible Organogels. Langmuir 2017, 33 (18), 4537-4542
S. Palola, E. Sarlin, S. K. Azari, V. Koutsos, J. Vuorinen. Microwave induced hierarchical nanostructures on aramid fibers and their influence on adhesion properties in a rubber matrix. Applied Surface Science 2017, 410, 145–153
R. Zhang, D. Drysdale, V. Koutsos, R. Cheung. Controlled Layer Thinning and p‐Type Doping of WSe2 by Vapor XeF2. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27 (41), 1702455
J. McClements, C. Buffone, M.P. Shaver, K, Sefiane, V. Koutsos. Poly (styrene-co-butadiene) random copolymer thin films and nanostructures on a mica surface: morphology and contact angles of nanodroplets. Soft Matter 2017, 13 (36), 6152-6166
D. Mamalis, V. Koutsos, K. Sefiane. On the Motion of a Sessile Drop on an Incline: Effect of Non-Monotonic Thermocapillary Stresses. Applied Physics Letters 2016, 109 (23), 231601, 1-5
A. Askounis, Y. Takata, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos, M. E. R. Shanahan. “Biodrop” Evaporation and Ring-Stain Deposits: The Significance of DNA Length. Langmuir 2016, 32 (17), 4361 – 4369
R. Zhang, V.Koutsos, R. Cheung. Elastic properties of suspended multilayer WSe2. Applied Physics Letters 2016, 108, 042104 (1-5)
A. Askounis, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos, M. E. R. Shanahan. Effect of particle geometry on triple line motion of nano-fluid drops and deposit nano-structuring. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 2015, 222, 44 - 57
D. Mamalis, V. Koutsos, K. Sefiane, A. Kagkoura, M. Kalloudis, M. E. R. Shanahan. Effect of Poly(ethylene oxide) Molecular Weight on the Pinning and Pillar Formation of Evaporating Sessile Droplets: The Role of the Interface. Langmuir 2015, 31 (21), 5908 - 5918
O. Kapetanou, V. Koutsos, E. Theotokoglou, D. Weygand and M. Zaiser. Statistical analysis and stochastic dislocation-based modeling of microplasticity. J Mech Behav Mater 2015, 24(3-4), 105 - 113
A. Syed, M. Kalloudis, V. Koutsos, E. Mastropaolo. Controlled hydrothermal growth of vertically-aligned zinc oxide nanowires using silicon and polyimide substrates. Microelectronic Engineering 2015, 145, 86 - 90
A. Hansen, H. Mjoseng, R. Zhang, M. Kalloudis, V. Koutsos, P. De Sousa, M. Bradley. High-Density Polymer Microarrays – Identifying Synthetic Polymers that Control Human Embryonic Stem Cell Growth. Advanced Healthcare Materials 2014, 3 (6), 848 - 853
Q. Li, M. Zaiser, J. R. Blackford, C. Jeffree, Y. He, V. Koutsos. Mechanical properties and microstructure of single-wall carbon nanotube/elastomeric epoxy composites with block copolymers. Materials Letters 2014, 125, 116 - 119
A. Schinwald, F. Murphy, A. Askounis, V. Koutsos, K. Sefiane, K. Donaldson, C. J. Campbell. Minimal oxidation and inflammogenicity of pristine graphene with residence in the lung. Nanotoxicology 2014, 8 (8), 824 - 832
A. Askounis, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos, M. E. R. Shanahan. The effect of evaporation kinetics on nanoparticle structuring within contact line deposits of volatile drops. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2014, 441, 855 - 866
X. Li, X. Fan, A. Askounis, K. Wu, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos. An experimental study on dynamic pore wettability. Chemical Engineering Science 2013, 104, 988 - 997
D. S. Wood, V. Koutsos, P. J. Camp. Computer simulations of surface deposition of amphiphilic diblock copolymers driven by solvent evaporation. Soft Matter 2013, 9, 3758 - 3766
M. Kalloudis, E. Glynos, S. Pispas, J. Walker, V. Koutsos. Thin Films of Poly(isoprene-bethylene oxide) Diblock Copolymers on Mica: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study. Langmuir 2013, 29 (7), 2339 - 2349
A. Askounis, K. Sefiane, V. Koutsos, M. E. R. Shanahan. Structural transitions in a ring stain created at the contact line of evaporating nanosuspension sessile drops. Physical Review E 2013, 87 (1), 012301, 1 - 8
D. Thuau, V. Koutsos, R. Cheung. Stress relaxation of polyimide (PI) cantilevers using low energy ion bombardment. Soft Materials 2013, 11 (4), 414 - 420
S. Ella, P.-Y. Formagne, V. Koutsos, J. R. Blackford. Investigation of rubber friction on snow for tyres. Tribology International 2013, 59, 292 - 301
M. Berta, B. Loppinet, D. Vlassopoulos, A. Askounis, V. Koutsos, I. Pastoriza-Santos and L. M. Liz-Marzan. Tailoring the properties of grafted silver nanoprism composites. Polymer 2012, 53, 5771 - 5778
J. R. Blackford, G. Skouvaklis, M. Purser, V. Koutsos. Friction on ice: stick or slip. Faraday Discussions 2012, 156, 243 - 254
E. Buchner Santos, J. K. Morris, E. Glynos, V. Sboros, V. Koutsos. Nanomechanical Properties of Phospholipid Microbubbles. Langmuir 2012, 28 (13), 5753 - 5760
A. E. A. S. Evangelopoulos, E. Glynos, F. Madani-Grasset, and V. Koutsos. Elastic modulus of a polymer nanodroplet: Theory and experiment. Langmuir 2012, 28 (10), 4754 - 4767
G. Skouvaklis, J. R. Blackford, V. Koutsos. Friction of rubber on ice: A new machine, influence of rubber properties and sliding parameters. Tribology International 2012, 49C, 44 - 52
A. Askounis, D. Orejon, V. Koutsos, K. Sefiane, M. E. R. Shanahan. Nanoparticle deposits near the contact line of pinned volatile droplets: size and shape revealed by atomic force microscopy. Soft Matter 2011, 7 (9), 4152 - 4155
V. Sboros, E. Glynos, J. A. Ross, C. M. Moran, S. D. Pye, M. Butler, W. N. McDicken, S. B. Brown, V. Koutsos. Probing microbubble targeting with atomic force microscopy. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2010, 80 (1), 12 - 17
A. Hamilton, V. Koutsos, C. Hall. Direct measurement of salt - mineral repulsion using atomic force microscopy. Chemical Communications 2010, 46 (29), 5235 - 5237
J. Schwerdtfeger, E. Nadgorny, V. Koutsos, J. R. Blackford, M. Zaiser. Statistical heterogeneity of plastic deformation: An investigation based on surface profilometry. Acta Materialia 2010, 58 (14), 4859 - 4870
A. Chremos, E. Glynos, P. J. Camp, V. Koutsos. Adsorption of star polymers: computer simulations. Soft Matter 2010, 6 (7), 1483 - 1493
D. Thuau, V. Koutsos, R. Cheung. Electrical and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubepolyimide composites. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2009, 27 (6), 3139 - 3144
E. Glynos, V. Sboros, V. Koutsos. Polymeric thin shells: Measurement of elastic properties at the nanometre scale using atomic force microscopy. Materials Science and Engineering: B 2009, 165 (3), 231 – 234
E. Glynos, V. Koutsos, W. N. McDicken, C. M. Moran, S. D. Pye, J. A. Ross, V. Sboros. Nanomechanics of Biocompatible Hollow Thin-Shell Polymer Microspheres. Langmuir 2009, 25 (13), 7514 – 7522
A. Chremos, E. Glynos, V. Koutsos, P. J. Camp. Adsorption and self-assembly of linear polymers on surfaces: A computer simulation study. Soft Matter 2009, 5, 637 – 645
F. Madani-Grasset, N. T. Pham, E. Glynos, V. Koutsos. Imaging thin and ultrathin organic films by scanning white light interferometry. Materials Science and Engineering: B 2008, 152 (1-3), 125 – 131
E. Glynos, S. Pispas, V. Koutsos. Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers on Mica: Formation of Flat Polymer Nanoislands and Evolution to Protruding Surface Micelles. Macromolecules 2008, 41 (12), 4313 – 4320
D. D. Higgins, B. A. Marmo, C. E. Jeffree, V. Koutsos, J. R. Blackford. Morphology of ice wear from rubber-ice friction tests and its dependence on temperature and sliding velocity. Wear 2008, 265, 634 – 644
V. Sboros, E. Glynos, S. D. Pye, C. M. Moran, M. Butler, J. A. Ross, R. Short, W. N. McDicken, V. Koutsos. Nanomechanical probing of microbubbles using the atomic force microscope. Ultrasonics 2007, 46 (4), 349 – 354
E. Glynos, A. Chremos, G. Petekidis, P. J. Camp, V. Koutsos. Polymer-like to soft colloid-like behavior of regular star polymers adsorbed on surfaces. Macromolecules 2007, 40 (19), 6947 – 6958
J. Schwerdtfeger, E. Nadgorny, F. Madani-Grasset, V. Koutsos, J. R. Blackford, M. Zaiser. Scale-free statistics of plasticity-induced surface steps on KCl single crystals. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007, L04001, 1 – 8
M. Yang, V. Koutsos and M. Zaiser. Size effect in tensile fracture of single-walled carbon nanotubes with defects. Nanotechnology 2007, 18 (15), 155708, 1 – 6
V. Ivanovic, J. Deur, M. Kostelac, Z. Herold, M. Troulis, C. Miano, D. Hrova, V. Koutsos. Experimental Identification of Dynamic Tire Friction Potential on Ice. Vehicle System Dynamics 2006, 44 , 93 – 103
K. J. Mutch, V. Koutsos, P. J. Camp. Deposition of magnetic colloidal particles on graphite and mica surfaces driven by solvent evaporation. Langmuir 2006, 22 (13), 5611 – 5616
I. Bright, V. Koutsos, Q. Li, R. Cheung. Carbon nanotubes for integration into nanocomposites materials. Microelectronic Engineering 2006, 83 (4-9), 1542 – 1546
V. Sboros, E. Glynos, S. D. Pye, C. M. Moran, M. Butler, J. Ross, R. Short, W. N. McDicken, V. Koutsos. Nanointerrogation of ultrasonic contrast agent microbubbles using atomic force microscopy. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2006, 32 (4), 579 – 585
M. J. Yang, V. Koutsos, M. Zaiser. Interactions between polymers and carbon nanotubes: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109 (20), 10009 – 10014
Q. Li, M. Zaiser, V. Koutsos. Carbon nanotube/epoxy resin composites using a block copolymer as a dispersing agent. Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 2004, 201 (13), R89 - R91
M. Zaiser, F. Madani Grasset, V. Koutsos, E. C. Aifantis. Self-affine surface morphology of plastically deformed metals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004, 93 (19), 195507, 1 – 4
H. Haschke, M. J. Miles, V. Koutsos. The conformation of a single polyacrylamide molecule adsorbed onto a mica surface studied with AFM. Macromolecules 2004, 37 (10), 3799 – 3803
B. F. Macdonald, R. J. Cole, V. Koutsos. The formation of dewetting structures after evaporation of n-dodecane on graphite studied by atomic force microscopy. Surface Science 2004, 548 (1-3), 41 – 50
R. J. Cole, S. Kheradmand, D. D. Higgins, F. Madani, B. F. Macdonald, V. Koutsos, J. R. Blackford. Stress-induced optical anisotropy in polycrystalline copper studied by reflection anisotropy spectroscopy. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 2003, 36 (21), L1-L4
L. Léger, H. Hervet, T. Charitat, V. Koutsos. The stick-slip transition in highly entangled poly(styrene-butadiene) melts. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 2001, 94 (1-3), 39 – 52
M. Portigliatti, V. Koutsos, H. Hervet, L. Léger. Adhesion and deformation of a single latex particle. Langmuir 2000, 16 (16), 6374 – 6376
V. Koutsos, E. W. van der Vegte, G. Hadziioannou. Direct view of structural regimes of end-grafted polymer monolayers: a scanning force microscopy study. Macromolecules 1999, 32 (4), 1233 – 1236
V. Koutsos, E. W. van der Vegte, P. C. M. Grim, G. Hadziioannou. Isolated polymer chains via mixed self-assembled monolayers: morphology and friction studied by scanning force microscopy. Macromolecules 1998, 31 (1), 116 – 123
V. Koutsos, E. W. van der Vegte, E. Pelletier, A. Stamouli, G. Hadziioannou. Structure of chemically end-grafted polymer chains studied by scanning force microscopy. Macromolecules 1997, 30 (16), 4719 - 4726
A. Stamouli, E. Pelletier, V. Koutsos, E. van der Vegte, G. Hadziioannou. An atomic force microscopy study on the transition from mushrooms to octopus surface micelles by changing the solvent quality. Langmuir 1996, 12 (13), 3221 – 3224
S. O. Akari, E. W. van der Vegte, P. C. M. Grim, G. F. Belder, V. Koutsos, G. ten Brinke, G. Hadziioannou. Imaging of single polymer chains based on their elasticity. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1994, 65 (15), 1915 – 1917
V. Koutsos, E. Manias, G. ten Brinke, G. Hadziioannou. Atomic force microscopy and real atomic resolution: simple computer simulations. Europhys. Lett. 1994, 26 (2), 103 – 107
G. Spiering, V. Koutsos, H. A. Wierenga, M. W. J. Prins, D. Abraham, Th. Rasing. Optical second harmonic generation study of interface magnetism. Surf. Sci. 1993, 287, 747 – 749
G. Spiering, V. Koutsos, H. A. Wierenga, M. W. J. Prins, D. Abraham, Th. Rasing. Interface magnetism studied by optical second harmonic generation. J. Magn. Mater. 1993, 121 (1-3), 109 - 111