Soft Interfaces
I am interested in the behaviour of soft materials and complex fluids at surfaces & interfaces. Soft materials and complex fluids consisting of two or more components, such as nanocolloid or polymer suspensions, polymer blends, block copolymers, exhibit unusual physical properties due to the geometric constraints imposed by the coexistence of the different phases. When confined on surfaces, there is an additional geometric constraint that induces further changes in their behaviour. They can behave in both solid- and liquid-like manner. Morphology of such systems is of importance. Adhesive and frictional properties depend crucially on interface properties. The performance of composite and nanocomposite materials also depends on interfaces.

Who I Am
I’m a Professor (Chair in Soft Materials and Surfaces) with the Institute for Materials and Processes, in the School of Engineering. Formerly a Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics in Collège de France (Paris, France, 1998-2000); I hold a B.Sc. in Physics (Physics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1992) and a Ph.D. in Polymer Science (Chemistry Department & Materials Science Centre, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 1997).
I am a Member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP), a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a Chartered Engineer and a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (CEng MIMechE).
​See also:
School of Engineering Staff Profile
University of Edinburgh Research Explorer Web entry

Contact Me
Institute for Materials and Processes
School of Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
Sanderson Building
The King's Buildings
Robert Stevenson Road
United Kingdom